Orphan CNS therapy developer Minoryx Therapeutics closed a $54.8m series C and MIT's The Engine co-led a $10.5m seed round for Foundation Alloy.

Minoryx Therapeutics, a Spain-based developer of treatments for orphan central nervous system disorders, completed a €51m ($54.8m) series C round yesterday that included an undisclosed amount of debt. The round was co-led by Columbus Venture Partners and Caixa Capital Risc, while CDTI, Fund+, Ysios Capital and other unnamed backers also took part. Minoryx was co-founded by Joan Aymamí, a researcher at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and also exploits research undertaken at University of Barcelona by chief executive Marc Martinell. Minoryx’s…

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Thierry Heles

Thierry Heles is the editor of Global University Venturing, host of the Beyond the Breakthrough interview podcast and responsible for the monthly GUV Gazette (sign up here for free).