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How to take your CVC unit to the next level

As corporate investment units get bigger, they need a mix of skillsets and career levels — and a good COO to manage them.

May 12, 2023

How to build a business development team at your CVC unit

Some 38% of CVC units have a team dedicated to helping portfolio companies make business connections. It is increasingly becoming a secret weapon for investors as portfolio valuations come under strain.

Apr 25, 2023

What happens when you join the billion dollar CVC club?

A small but growing number of CVCs are quietly reaching fund sizes of more than $1bn. When they get there, life changes in some ways.

Apr 12, 2023

What CVC can learn from product-market fit analysis

Failure to understand product-market fit is at the heart of why most projects fail. CVCs could take some lessons from these post-mortems.

Apr 9, 2023

GVR Pod: Helping the parent company transform

Lukasz Garbowski, investment director at Btomorrow Ventures, describes how the corporate venture unit helps its parent diversify away from tobacco.

Apr 6, 2023

How Btomorrow is helping transform its parent’s core business

Btomorrow Venture’s investment director Lukasz Garbowski talks about its mission to help British American Tobacco reinvent itself in an industry going out of vogue.

Mar 29, 2023

Six steps to building a true innovation culture

To be truly effective, an innovation team needs freedom to operate, a separate measurement framework and incentives.

Mar 20, 2023

How to set the right performance metrics for your CVC programme

How you set up effective performance metrics for teams whose outcomes are a combination of tangible and intangible effects, is often as much about influence and learning, as it is about revenue.

Mar 16, 2023

Career paths into CVC are changing

Corporate investors increasingly come from an entrepreneurship background or have deep operational expertise in their sector.

Mar 14, 2023

How to manage your corporate investment portfolio in a downturn

Intel Capital, Echo Health Ventures and Fenwick & West shared advice on how to prep an investment team for a tough funding climate.

Mar 9, 2023

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