cover art for Beyond the Breakthrough featuring Randi Elisabeth Taxt

Randi Elisabeth Taxt is the senior adviser at VIS, the regional tech transfer office for western Norway (its owners include University of Bergen, Haukeland University Hospital, Institute of Marine Research, Siva, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and NHH Norwegian Business School) and she tells us about the history of tech transfer in the country, which means its regional approach emerged organically.

She ponders whether the model is here to stay, and what the opportunities and challenges are that lie ahead.

She also discusses how a lifelong, continuing desire to learn led her to VIS, where, as part of her job, she’s working on a PhD in innovation management.


Thierry Heles

Thierry Heles is the former editor-at-large of Global University Venturing and Global Corporate Venturing, and was the producer and host of the Beyond the Breakthrough podcast until December 2024.