It's time to say goodbye to the old Talking Tech Transfer — we're relaunching the podcast to be bigger and better than ever.

It’s time to say goodbye to Talking Tech Transfer.
But wait! This is not the end, it is a new beginning.
Over the past three and a half years, and 100 episodes, one key takeaway is the fact that the public still doesn’t know about tech transfer. And that’s even after the Oxford vaccine and Moderna’s mRNA technology have saved literally hundreds of millions of lives during the pandemic.
If you’ve listened to our 100th episode with Christophe Haunold last week, you’ll have heard him say this:
I just want to say that actually science and knowledge production are really worth it, because as I said, we have to face now huge challenges. Probably the first time in the humanity’s story about this kind of scary challenges and maybe deadly ones.
OK, so I think that faith or beliefs and money won’t be enough. OK, we have to understand the world. We have to change our attitude and our actions, and we have to adapt. And for that, I think that science, not only technology, but also humanities and social sciences, can provide some answers and solutions as long as we use these scientific results. And this is our job, I mean, by transferring this knowledge to the society.
So my conclusion is that also knowledge transfer professionals are just essential next to the scientists and working together with them.
And this is why the podcast is changing. For the decade that Global University Venturing has covered this profession, our content has primarily been aimed at and consumed by stakeholders already involved in it (and rest assured, you will always remain our core audience, and we’ll keep producing content for you, like our upcoming university venture fund report). But how innovation gets into the market needs to be known about by the public, to rally support among politicians and to help everyone understand that all hope is not lost even in the face of formidable challenges like the climate crisis.
So, later this month, we’re relaunching the podcast with a new name, a new website and fresh cover art. And crucially, we’re expanding the scope of discussions by bringing in more voices from the entire spectrum of university innovation — whether those are tech transfer leaders, chief innovation officers, student entrepreneurship programme leaders, incubator managers, investors, founders, lawyers, valorisation experts, policymakers or others.
Going forward, the podcast will also consist of series (or seasons) and we have exciting ideas to use that new format to tell bigger narratives and stimulate conversations.
Our hope is that shining a bigger spotlight on the impact made by tech transfer will also help the profession celebrate its successes more — guests on the podcast, including Christophe Haunold, have noted time and again that tech transfer managers are often deep into the next problem-solving exercise and don’t have time to pause and celebrate.
So, keep an eye out on your podcast app — if you list your subscriptions alphabetically, we’ll be near the top when the podcast returns in a few weeks. If you’ve already subscribed, you don’t need to do anything — it’ll all happen automatically. And if you haven’t yet, do it now.
Goodbye, Talking Tech Transfer. Hello, Beyond the Breakthrough.