X-Ray Engineering (XRE) and Inside Matters, two Belgium-based spinouts from Ghent University’s Centre for X-ray Tomography, announced on Monday that they were set to merge to form a new entity called XRE.
Insider Matters was established in 2008 to develop 3D imaging and quantification services for X-ray computed tomography (CT) researchers.
XRE was spun out in 2011 to commercialise an x-ray CT imaging technology aimed at a variety of markets, including software and hardware. The spinout has developed three platforms to date to address challenges in various research fields.
Going forward, the newly combined entity will offer 3D x-ray imaging technology.
Denis van Loo, managing director of XRE, said: “Our history of building state of the art CT scanners that are customised and optimized to our customer’s applications has moved the CT community forward and led to the creation of our three primary imaging platforms: UniTom, CoreTom and DynaTom.
“We are energised by this merger, so that customers can benefit from our collaborative spirit and expertise that balances hardware and acquisition with advanced software and analysis capabilities that Inside Matters brings to the table.
“Establishing that blend to meet customer imaging and workflow demands is an important next step towards becoming a new alternative in 3D X-ray imaging and bringing novel dynamic solutions to market.”
Jelle Vlassenbroeck, managing director of Inside Matters and chief executive of the merged company, said: “Today’s researchers are interested in a collaborative spirit of partnership that allows them to tackle complex challenges that demand 3D imaging expertise.
“It is no longer good enough to provide just software or hardware and leave the rest up to the client.
“In joining forces, XRE now fuses Inside Matter’s newly developed software application platform and expertise in CT scanning services with the dynamic leading-edge 3D and 4D X-ray CT imaging hardware platforms from X-Ray Engineering to provide the most attractive solutions for our customer’s success.”