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How to make the most of a smaller fund

Smaller corporate venture funds — those with less than $50m — can use their slim size as an advantage if they plan well and have a laser-like focus.

Feb 6, 2024

CVCs must show how they differ from VCs

Corporate investors backed 27% fewer funding round in 2023, but CVC units are increasingly resilient and sophisticated in strategy.

Jan 22, 2024

It's not just the money: the growing importance of VC platform jobs

A decade ago there was hardly a name for it. Today venture capital platform roles are a crucial way for investment firms to attract startups.

Dec 18, 2023

Forming your board is a game of strategy. Here's how to play.

Every startup will need to give away board seats, but founders can shape the boardroom for success – here’s how.

Nov 26, 2023

A "new norm" is needed for startup-corporate collaboration

Interactions between startups and corporates often fail to produce meaningful results. Some internal changes can help - but is achieving a breakthrough possible without digital assistance?

Oct 12, 2023

Are CVC investors moving from followers to leaders?

CVCs appear to be increasingly comfortable with taking a leading role in startup funding rounds — does this mark a permanent shift?

Sep 29, 2023

Are internal hires becoming more popular for CVCs?

A majority of CVCs still prefer to hire experienced investors externally, but internal hiring may be increasing in popularity.

Sep 22, 2023

How to get the most out of investing in other funds

Finding funds that are willing to collaborate and engage with their limited partners is one of several pieces of advice for fund-of-fund investing.

Sep 18, 2023

The difficulties and fears startups have around corporate investment

Corporate investors can have a bit of a bad reputation among startups. But what are the main worries and fears and how can they be allayed?

Aug 2, 2023

Compensation conundrum: CVCs grapple with pressure to pay like a VC

As corporate venture capital units compete more with financial VC firms for talented investors, they are having to get creative on compensation packages.

Jul 24, 2023

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