Bill Gates has returned to lead an $85m round for satellite internet provider Kymeta, which has now raised more than $280m since it was set up to advance Duke University research.

Kymeta, a US-based satellite broadband provider exploiting foundational research from Duke University, secured $85m in a funding round led by entrepreneur Bill Gates yesterday.
The round also featured approximately $1m from members of Kymeta’s leadership team, including executive chairman Doug Hutcheson.
Founded in 2011, Kymeta has created an electronically steered flat-panel satellite antenna that facilitates broadband satellite connectivity in conjunction with cellular networks to ensure global coverage.
The technology is targeted at clients such as the military,…

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Thierry Heles

Thierry Heles is the editor of Global University Venturing, host of the Beyond the Breakthrough interview podcast and responsible for the monthly GUV Gazette (sign up here for free).