Zimory, a Germany-based provider of cloud management software, has raised $20m in funding led by new investor, Germany-based stock exchange Deutsche Börse, with participation from return backers T-Venture, the venture capital company of Deutsche Telekom, and financial investors High-Tech Gruenderfonds, IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft and KFW.

In addition to  Deutsche Börse’s investment, Zimory has been chosen as a strategic partner by  Deutsche Börse Group to enable the settlement process for its new venture, the Deutsche Boerse Cloud Exchange, an exchange for cloud computing capacities designed to enable IT resources to be traded electronically.

Maximilian Ahrens, chief technology officer of the  Deutsche Börse Cloud Exchange, said: “Zimory´s neutral trading IaaS orchestration software is enabling the  Deutsche Börse Cloud Exchange to change the way cloud computing infrastructure resources are sold and used.”

Ruediger Baumann, chief executive officer of Zimory, said: “The funding will enable us to address the strong demand for Zimory’s cloud management software by continuing to expand our resources and accelerate our sales, marketing and product development initiatives. Together with  Deutsche Börse Cloud Exchange and our investors, Zimory will become one of the world’s cloud leaders for business.”

Dr. Hagen Hultzsch, Zimory´s chairman, said: “We’re delighted with  Deutsche Börse’s involvement as an investor, and as a business partner for Zimory.”