Web3 services provider Venly and genomic analysis technology provider Genome Insight each raised $23m while Rui Ye Lian helped Cedarlake Capital close a $189m fund.


Belgium-headquartered blockchain and cryptocurrency services provider Venly has secured $23m from investors including digital currency exchange Coinbase’s corporate venturing unit, Coinbase Ventures. The round was led by Courtside Ventures and also featured Transcend Fund, Tioga Capital, High-Tech Gründerfonds, Fortino Capital, Plug and Play, Leadblock Partners, Imec Istart, Powerhouse Ventures and Alpaca VC.

US-based genome analysis technology developer Genome Insight raised $23m on Saturday in a series B round that included digital transformation services provider VNTG Corporation. The round was…

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Robert Lavine

Robert Lavine is special features editor for Global Venturing.