University of Miami spin-out RxMP receives funding from the Institute for Commercialisation of Public Research.

RxMp Therapeutics, a pharmaceutical spin-out, has secured a $300,000 investment from the Institute for Commercialisation of Public Research.

RxMp was spun out of the University of Miami in Florida – not to be confused with Miami University in Ohio – and is based on research by Yeon Ahn. The company’s technology is able to quickly stop and prevent excessive bleeding. If Rmp-Hpe passes clinical trials, the haemostatic agent could reduce risk during surgical procedures, trauma care or dentistry.

The main treatment currently available for excessive bleeding is blood transfusions. RxMP’s product could eliminate the risks associated with transfusions, as well as avoid a potential blood shortage in case of major emergencies.

The Institute for Commercialisation of Public Research is a non-profit organisation set up by the state of Florida in 2007. The institute supports spin-outs from Florida’s universities and public research institutions and makes early-stage investments. It works closely with the universities’ own technology transfer offices.

Yeohn Ahn, scientific founder of RxMp and professor of medicine at the University of Miami’s Division of Haematology and Oncology, said: “Beyond transfusions, there are few available treatments for excessive bleeding, all of which have significant shortcomings. Also, transfusions replace lost blood but do little to stop the bleeding; whereas, Rmp-Hpe arrests bleeding. There remains a significant unmet clinical need for a safe, effective and cost-effective treatment for excessive bleeding this serious condition. RxMp Therapeutics’ goal is to meet this need with Rmp-Hpe, its lead product.”