Southampton smart thermostat spin-out Joulu picked up by smart energy firm Quby.

Quby, a smart energy firm, has acquired Joulu, a spin-out of Southampton University, for an undisclosed sum.

The Netherlands-based firm, which is developing smart thermostats and energy displays, will be looking to integrate energy monitoring technology owned by Joulo which allows customers to save money on their energy bills. The firm will also acquire Joulo’s USB temperature logger.

Reuben Wilcock, co-founder of Joulo, said: “Quby is a great match for Joulo and I am delighted about this acquisition. I am confident that Quby will have great success taking Joulo to international markets whilst continuing to develop the underlying algorithms. In Quby’s hands, I have no doubt that Joulo will soon make an appearance in millions of homes across the world.”