Power Japan Plus, a spin-out of Kyushu University, emerges from stealth mode with carbon battery technology.

Kyushu University energy spin-out Power Japan Plus has emerged from stealth mode with dual carbon battery technology.

The battery is comparable to its lithium ion cousins in terms of energy density, but can charge up to 20 times faster than its peers – with no damage sustained to the battery with a 100% charge. The technology, which uses carbon in both the cathode and anode, is also safer than its counterparts, is more recyclable, contains no rare metals, and is rated for 3,000 charge and discharge cycles, making it more reliable as well.

The technology has been looked into by Japanese researchers since the 1970s, who achieved a breakthrough late in the last decade thanks to advancements in nanotechnology and advanced materials.

Dou Kani, CEO of Power Japan Plus, said: “Power Japan Plus is a materials engineer for a new class of carbon material that balances economics, performance and sustainability in a world of constrained resources. The Ryden dual carbon battery is the energy storage breakthrough needed to bring green technology like electric vehicles to mass market.”

The company is now actively seeking investment partners to assist them in moving towards production later this year.