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All the news from the past week.


Texas frees users

Freeput aims to improve computer accessibility for people with mobility impairments.

NoWait queues $10m

The series B is led by Drive Capital.

Allied Minds plans London IPO

The flotation is likely to value the company at more than $600m.

Alberta powders Ceapro

The university signs a licensing deal with the Canadian biotech.

MTSU and Albany Tech sign transfer agreement

The agreement will allow students to transfer from Albany Tech to MTSU after two years.

Stanford and Cisco failed to connect

The relationship serves as a cautionary tale.

TenasiTech rubs $940,000

Uniseed as well as angel investors are part of the seed round.

Israel and China big up nanotech

Tel Aviv and Tsinghua universities are launching a $300m joint research project.

Phil Smith crosses the Valley of Death

The chairman of the Technology Strategy Board is optimistic about bridging the gap between academia and industry.

OnlyBoth is worth 1,000 data

The startup turns big data analysis on its head.

InvestMaryland honours startups

Four startups win $100,000 each at the state-run competition.

TechCrunch authenticates Sedicii

The Irish spin-out will compete at TechCrunch Disrupt.

Twindom recreates you

The Berkeley startup is offering full-body 3D prints of graduates.

Locate Therapeutics orchestrates funding

Heraeus is investing in the Nottingham spin-out.

Nick Ducoff ventures to Northeastern

The entrepreneur and angel investor takes over a newly created position.

OHSU prepares $100m fund

The university’s fund would be the only one in the state focussed on health care and life sciences.

Ocugen eyes drug candidates

It will commercialise two drug candidates based on research at Colorado University.

Chinese students print startup

A team of students from two Chinese universities create customised headphones.

Accelerate invests in Long Island-based companies

The seed fund has joined forces with the Long Island Emerging Technologies Fund.

Epinova gels TechConnect award

The Italian spin-out is one of the winners of the TechConnect Innovation Awards 2014.

Monash carbonises research

The Australian university enters a binding memorandum of understanding with Bora Bora Resources.