A recap of the week's news.

Missed out on the past week’s tech transfer news? Catch up with our regular roundup:


Google wraps up Bufferbox

Internet giant Google winds down parcel delivery service and Waterloo startup Bufferbox after purchasing the company last year.


Activiomics sells up for £4m

Queen Mary University of London spin-out Activiomics sells to AIM-listed Retroscreen Virology Group for £4m ($6.7m).


StartX feeds the news reel

Media startup Watchup receives $1m backing from Microsoft Ventures and its incubator StartX.


Xeros scrubs up for AIM

Leeds spin-out Xeros intends to take near-waterless washing machine technology to AIM.


Water planet flows into 3M

UCLA spin-out Water Planet Engineering enters into joint development agreement with 3M on polymer material.


QUB’s engines fired up with £1m

Queen’s University of Belfast big data spin-out Analytics Engines lands £1m ($1.6m) from Crescent Capital.


Russian science aims for growth

The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology launches $30m seed fund.


Wales computes ICT fund

The Welsh Government considers £100m ICT drive to sit alongside its life sciences fund.


Ohio finds more funding

Ohio startups find new source of seed funding following $7m partnership between Ohio State University, TechColumbus, and Nationwide Children’s Hospital.


Novasentis finds money in new name

Penn State spin-out Strategic Polymer Sciences secures $8m series B and name change to Novasentis.


Cyber security fears to fuel booming valuations

Global Corporate Venturing editor Toby Lewis discusses what’s fueling cyber security’s fire.


Lincolnshire science park finds head

University of Lincoln appoints first director of its Lincoln Science and Innovation Park.


Canon pictures Molecular Imprints IP

Imaging giant Canon snaps up part of University of Texas at Austin spin-out Molecular Imprints’ business.