Researchers at Nanyang Technological University and the German Aerospace Centre have developed a new electric motor.

Nanyang Technological University and the German Aerospace Centre are exploring the commercialisation of a novel car engine which combines an electric motor with an air conditioning compressor. The two parts have traditionally been built as separate units.

Building the two parts as one device provides car manufacturers with additional space to put in batteries, increasing the range of electric cars by up to 20%.

On top of the space saving, the engine is also more efficient as an electric motor – it is lighter and smaller – and at the same time lets the air conditioning compressor use less power. The engine further converts kinetic energy produced by braking.

The German Aerospace Centre will be conducting tests and developing the engine further before the two partners enter the market with their product. Nanyang researchers meanwhile are applying for a proof-of-concept grant in Singapore.

Subodh Mhaisalkar, executive director at Nanyang’s Energy Research Institute, said: “The biggest challenge with electric cars in tropical megacities is the range that they can travel on a full charge, because their batteries are needed to power both the engine and the air-conditioning. In tropical countries like Singapore, up to half the battery’s capacity is used to power the air-conditioning system. With the global population of electric vehicles set grow rapidly to 20 million in 2020, a more efficient electric motor cum air-con compressor, will enable cars to travel further on a single charge. This energy efficiency will in turn reduce overall greenhouse emissions and promote sustainable transportation solutions. This integrated design solution for air-conditioning will go a long way in reducing the range anxiety of drivers, reduce maintenance costs, and will save time and money for the driver.”