The rest of the 100 (in alphabetical order): Frank Rimalovski, managing director, NYU Innovation Venture Fund

After co-founding venture capital firm New Venture Partners in 2001, Frank Rimalovski was hired by New York University (NYU) in 2010 to launch the $20m NYU Innovation Venture Fund.

As the fund’s managing director, Rimalovski has boosted NYU’s startup activity across the institution – in particular, outside its business school.

The Innovation Venture Fund aims to make around three or four investments a year and can so far boast three exits – Framed Data, a predictive analytics service acquired by payments company Square in 2016; Fondu, an online restaurant review service bought by Airbnb in 2012; and sports analytics platform NumberFire, which was bought by FanDuel in 2015. It currently has another 15 portfolio companies.

Since 2012, Rimalovski has also been executive director of the NYU Entrepreneurial Institute, which was inspired by the Innovation Venture Fund and aims to accelerate technology commercialisation and startup creation across the university.