A roundup of news for the week that was the second week of July 2013.

Coursera laughs all the way to the World Bank

Stanford edutech startup Coursera lands $43m in a series B backed by The World Bank, GSV Capital and others.

Immunocore signs $212m GSK deal

Immunocore, a biotech firm with ties to Oxford University, signs £142m ($212m) deal with pharmaceutical conglomerate GlaxoSmithKline.

Southampton develops ‘Superman’ memory

The University of Southampton unveils unprecedented ‘5D’ memory storage likened to Superman’s memory crystals.

Switzerland retains top innovator spot

Switzerland holds on to the number one ranking in the Global Innovation Index 2013 as the US rejoins the top 5.

Kymeta satellites $50m

Kymeta Corporation, a satellite parts manufacturer, raises $50m series C with backing from consortium including multi-university venture fund Osage University Partners.

Harvard’s Tivli switches on $6.3m

Harvard Innovation Lab-incubated television streaming service for students backed by strategic investors including CBC New Media Group and Home Box Office.

UniQuest incubates approval

ilab, the University of Queensland’s incubator, receives approval for Australian Government support and simultaneously lands separate $1.5m fund deal.

Lund spin-out raises $1m

Cantargia, a biopharma spin-out of Lund University, raises SEK 7m from Sunstone Capital and LU Bioscience to fight leukaemia.

Scanadu crowdfunds trekkie future

Singularity University-based Scanadu raises $1.3m through crowdfunding to make Star Trek’s tricorder device a reality.

Warwick spin-out base of Hitachi deal

Base4 Innovation, a Warwick University spin-out, signs deal with Hitachi for DNA sequencing system.

Oregon bill for tech transfer

A bill that will unify the tech transfer efforts of Oregon State University and the University of Oregon with $3.75m backing passes the Oregon Legislature.

Autifony collaborates on schizophrenia

GSK spin-out Autifony, backed by Imperial Innovations, announces £2.75m ($4.2m) collaboration deal with Newcastle and Manchester for schizophrenia drugs.

UK £100m fund to go nationwide

Angel CoFund, a UK-based investment fund, is set to scale up its operation nationwide, announces UK Government.

All eyes on Dublin spin-out

Enterprise Ireland names Dublin City University spin-out fashion app developer Style-Eyes it’s “One to Watch” in 2013.

Eindhoven spin-out wings a deal

SOWISO, an edtech software spin-out from the Eindhoven University of Technology, receives backing from software developer WoodWing.

Maryland’s cupid shoots $1.5m arrow

Signal modulation tech startup Astrapi lands $1.5m seed round following the University of Maryland’s Cupid Cup showcase.

Two Royal investments

The Royal Society announces two further investments in two UK spin-outs from its Enterprise Fund.

Arago powers on with £325k

Manchester University spin-out Arago Technology raises $482k in venture round backed by the University.

From Russia with £250k

Queen’s University Belfast spin-out Andor Technology lands export deal to Russia worth $374k.

Alaska warms to spin-out

Alaska launches snow-fighting spin-out CFT Solutions.