Unilever, a UK/Netherlands-based consumer products company, has launched “Go Global”, a partnering programme and prize competition for digital marketing startups. Unilever, although not committed to investing any equity in the startups, is offering US$100,000 in cash, mentorship, and in-kind services in exchange for a customised digital marketing pilot in the area of content, mobile, or connected devices.

Olivier Garel, managing director, Unilever Ventures, said: “We are seeing a lot of really exciting digital marketing businesses, which – with the right resources – have the potential to rapidly become global players. Go Global will allow us to identify the best amongst these, to work closely with them and help them take their business to the next level.”

Applications for the programme are open until 17th January 2014. Shortlisted companies will be invited to pitch to seven of Unilever’s brands at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, and the companies selected to pilot their technology will be notified on 1st March 2014. Pilots are expected to begin in Q2 2014.

The seven brands in the Go Global programme are: Unilever, CLEAR, Surf, Magnum, Flora/Becel Pro.Activ, Hellmann’s and Vaseline.