, a US-based website that matches donors with people and animals who need care, has raised $50m from a consortium including insurance provider USAA, according to a regulatory filing.

Care said venture capital firms Institutional Venture Partners (IVP), which led the round as a new investor, Matrix Partners, New Enterprise Associates and Trinity Ventures also invested in the round.

Founded in 2006, has raised $61m in previous rounds of financing and has about seven million members in more than 15 countries. Earlier this year, Care bought Germany-based Besser Betreut, the largest online care portal in Europe, and launches in the UK and Canada.

USAA’s investment has helped Care expand into helping military families.

Victor Pascucci, USAA managing director for corporate development, has taken a board seat with Care.

USAA said: “USAA recently made a strategic investment in Earlier this year, USAA and announced a relationship to jointly develop integrated online solutions for managing unique military lifestyle changes, such as deployments or a military moves, with a focus on facilitating the management of care-related issues.”