Punching above its weight, the small northern country is a hotbed for innovation.
Matthew McCooe, Connecticut Innovations, explores why Connecticut is suddenly one of the most desirable locations for tech startups
Israeli healthcare startups are going global and creating innovative products to address healthcare challenges across the world.
Ulrich Mahr, in charge of spinout activities and portfolio management at Max Planck Innovation, talks to Thierry Heles about the successes and goals of the organisation.
This month's regions piece focuses on the rapid growth of Canada into the university innovation scene.
This month's TT Regions returns to the EU as Ireland rebounds to growth, France settles into the new SATT system, and Germany looks to pull together the pieces on tech transfer.
This month sees TT Regions return to its starting point last year of the UK and Scandinavia.
Corporate-backed deal numbers are remaining resolute in India but cash levels are dropping sharply as the space remains ever more reliant on the consumer economy.
BCF Ventures’ Sergio Escobar and Bonnie Chau tell GCV what makes the Canadian innovation ecosystem unique and why it is getting brain gain from other parts of the world.