GUV is launching a weekly spinout tracker to surface the most exciting new and emerging companies based on university research.

a dart hitting bullseye on a dart board

Global University Venturing is happy to introduce the first of its spinout tracker lists — updated weekly — which will surface the most exciting new and emerging university spinouts.

We welcome submissions from tech transfer offices with information on their latest spinouts. If you would like one of your portfolio companies considered for inclusion in a future list, please send us an email. Eligible companies do not need to have raised funding yet but must be early stage.

Added Company University Location Sector Technology Round Amount ($m) Amount ($m)
15/01/2024 Ceretype Neuromedicine Harvard University US Health practical application and integration of functional MRI in neuropsychiatric drug development Seed 2 0 – 5
15/01/2024 CRISPR QC Keck Graduate Institute US Health platform to precisely analyze the quality of the CRISPR/CAS9 gene editing system A 10 5.1 – 10
15/01/2024 Galaxy Biosolutions Chalmers University of Technology Sweden Consumer precision fermentation using an unusual yeast grown on lactose from whey to to create a sweetener called tagatose Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed
15/01/2024 NeuroBell University College Cork Ireland Health AI-powered medical device to accurately detect seizures in newborns Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed
15/01/2024 Rincell Stanford University US Energy silicon-graphite and lithium manganese iron phosphate battery cells Seed 1.2 0 – 5
15/01/2024 MimiVax Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer US Health survivin-targeted vaccine therapy for glioblastoma and other cancers Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed
15/01/2024 Via Scientific University of Massachusetts US Health multi-omics platform to help pharma companies, biotech developers and researchers discover biological insights faster Seed 5 0 – 5
15/01/2024 Mesenbio University of York UK Health engineered human stem cells to treat rheumatoid arthritis Seed 1.8 0 – 5
15/01/2024 Qorium Maastricht University Netherlands Consumer cell-cultured leather production Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed
15/01/2024 N-ink Linköping University Sweden Energy high-performing, scalable conductive polymers that boost battery and solar cell performance Convertible note 1.1 0 – 5
22/01/2024 Disco Pharmaceuticals ETH Zürich Germany Health cancer surfaceome discovery platform Seed 21.75 Over 20
22/01/2024 Enerdrape EPFL Switzerland Energy prefabricated geothermal panel Seed 1.5 0 – 5
22/01/2024 QphoX University of Delft Netherlands IT quantum transduction Undisclosed 8.7 5.1 – 10
22/01/2024 CellVoyant University of Bristol UK Health AI-powered biotechnology to create stem cell-based therapies for chronic diseases Undisclosed 9.66 5.1 – 10
22/01/2024 Arphion Diagnostics University of Illinois Chicago US Health small brush to collect cells from potentially cancerous lesions inside the mouth, testing the sample for oral squamous cell carcinoma n/a n/a Undisclosed
29/01/2024 Byldr ETH Zürich Switzerland Health no-​code development platform to build, evaluate and scale mobile health interventions Undisclosed 0.02 0 – 5
29/01/2024 Heliotrope Photonics New York University US Energy coating technology for solar panels that boosts output by 8% to 15% increase n/a n/a Undisclosed
29/01/2024 DNA Nanobots Ohio State University US Health DNA nanoparticles engineered for targeted therapeutics Pre-Seed Undisclosed Undisclosed
29/01/2024 Motif Neurotech Rice University US Health minimally-invasive bioelectronics for mental health A 18.75 10.1 – 15
29/01/2024 Chipmetrics VTT Finland IT atomic layer deposition technology for semiconductor manufacturing Seed 2.6 0 – 5
29/01/2024 Cnergreen University of Calgary Canada Energy stable foams for CO2 injection in enhanced oil recovery Seed 2 0 – 5
29/01/2024 Circular Genomics University of New Mexico US Health circular RNA biomarkers for precision psychiatry and neurology A 8.3 5.1 – 10
29/01/2024 ZWI Therapeutics University of Washington; Massachusetts Institute of Technology US Health proprietary polymer, polycarboxybetaine, to develop protein-polymer conjugates A 10 5.1 – 10
29/01/2024 IMU Biosciences King’s College London UK Health AI-powered immune discovery platform to develop precision medicines A 14.6 10.1 – 15
29/01/2024 Bolden Therapeutics Brown University US Health treatment of central nervous system illnesses such as Alzheimer’s Pre-Seed 1.5 0 – 5
29/01/2024 3Daughters University of Massachusetts Amherst US Health ring-shaped, magnetic IUD that eliminates the pain points of T-shaped IUDs Seed 2 0 – 5
29/01/2024 CellCipher University of Chicago US Health process to apply single-cell RNA sequencing to embryoid bodies to study environmental and chemical exposures on human cells Undisclosed 0.15 0 – 5
29/01/2024 Krystallix Université Grenoble Alpes; Grenoble INP; CNRS France Industrial single crystal pulling using a cold magnetic crucible Undisclosed 0.39 0 – 5
29/01/2024 RizLab Health Rutgers University US Health handheld device to count white blood cells from a single drop of blood n/a n/a Undisclosed
29/01/2024 BTRY ETH Zürich; Empa Switzerland Energy lithium-ion thin-film solid-state battery Pre-Seed 1 0 – 5

This list is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute investment advice.

Thierry Heles

Thierry Heles is the former editor-at-large of Global University Venturing and Global Corporate Venturing, and was the producer and host of the Beyond the Breakthrough podcast until December 2024.