Launched in September 2017, Spin-Off Austria supports academics looking to establish spinouts and has selected the first eight projects.
Spin-Off Austria, an $18m initiative launched by the government of Austria to support the creation of spinouts, today selected the first eight projects to receive a total of €2.7m ($3.2m) in funding.
The initiative functions as a fellowship program, offering 18 months of support and enabling researchers to fully focus on the commercialisation of their products and services.
The eight initial projects, selected from 35 applications, include Immuno QCM, which is using research from University of Vienna to develop a sensor that optimise apheresis machines, particularly those used to treat autoimmune diseases.
Spin-Off Austria did not specify what the other seven projects are working on, but they include Aldox (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna), MoBraille (TU Wien), MoldSonics (Johannes Kepler University Linz) and ZKS Trenntechnik (Montanuniversität Leoben) as well as ConcreteX, HyFish and PiTech (University of Innsbruck).
The deadline for the second round of applications is July 19, with later deadlines planned for January and July 2019.