Nobuyuki Toyoda has announced his departure from JSR's New Business Creation Department due to health issues.
Nobuyuki Toyoda has left JSR’s New Business Creation Department, the open innovation arm of Japan-based chemicals corporation JSR.
Toyoda said in an email that he leaving JSR to focus on his health and recovery.
Toyoda began at JSR in 2013 as a manager of the corporate planning department. He held other positions including manager of the president’s office before moving into the New Business Creation Department in 2021. The unit invests in VC funds.
Notable investments made by JSR include US-based OLED products developer Mattrix Technologies, which received $3m and a second investment from JSR in 2020.
“It has been an honor to work with each and every one of you over the past twenty four years. I would like to thank you for your support and friendship during my time at the company,” said Toyoda in an email.