The list includes spinouts aiming to tackle arthritis, cognitive disabilities and diseases of citrus plants.

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) generated 14 spinouts during the past financial year, equalling the record number spun out during 2015-2016.

Innovators from the university disclosed 294 inventions over the past year, another record high.

UC Davis obtained 135 copyright licences and 108 licensing agreements during 2016-2017. It applied for 170 patents in the US and overseas, down from 200 filings in 2015-2016.

There were 84 patents awarded during the past financial year for improvements to already registered intellectual properties. Many of the past year’s spinouts work within branches of human medicine, such as medical devices, diagnostics and therapeutics.

Dushyant Pathak, associate vice-chancellor of research at UC Davis, said: “Helping translate university research into community impact and direct benefit to society remains a priority at UC Davis.

“An important way in which we are facilitating this impact is through the directed support we are providing to campus innovators in realising their entrepreneurial ambitions through the formation of better-enabled startups.”

UC Davis named three of the spinouts generated during 2016-2017 as:

  • Tesio Pharmaceuticals, co-founded by Dominik Haudenschild, an associate professor in mechanobiology and osteoarthritis research at UC David Medical Centre, who is hoping to commercialise preventative measures against injuries developing into arthritis.
  • Cognivive, a spinout based on research by Tony Simon, professor of psychiatry and behavioural sciences, which has designed video games that can help people with cognitive disabilities improve their spatial and temporal awareness.
  • XTB Laboratories, founded by Cristina David, head of UC Davis’s Bioinstrumentation and Biomems Laboratory, whose odour sensing technology could help diagnose a destructive citrus fruit disease called citrus greening.