While corporate investing has many similarities to traditional venture capital investment, at its essence it’s a different beast. There are different elements to consider, different priorities, different (and typically, many more) stakeholders, and a whole host of added complications.
Corporate investors have strategic goals as well as financial, and strategic goals are much harder to measure and prove. They have a complex web of relationships to manage (both external and from a range of directions internally) that can result in fruitful results for all involved but can also cause serious headaches.
Corporate innovation has the power to change the world when it’s done right.
Done badly, it can become a money pit lined with bad blood.
For an in-depth guide in all things CVC, Corporate Venturing: A Survival Guide is essential reading.
The GCV Institute also offers a host of in-depth and hands-on courses for professional CVC development and certification. Explore the full range here.
The GCV network has a rich network of experience and knowledge, and this page is the home for all the articles, guides and advice pieces we have created on the art of being a CVC.