Olivier Laplace has left with Boyman promoted and Ronner joining Swiss Post Ventures.

Switzerland-based logistics company Swiss Post has shaken up its corporate venturing team.

Olivier Laplace, head of Swiss Post Ventures (SPV), has left to join VI Partners, a multi-corporate-backed venture capital firm whose limited partners include ABB, Bühler, Crédit Suisse, ETH, Hilti, McKinsey, Nestlé, Schindler, Sulzer, Suva, and ZKB.

At SPV for nearly five years, Laplace had invested in 13 companies with strategic fit with Swiss Post businesses, including Hacknowledge, Metaco, Starship Technologies, Matternet, Trusk, Guuru, Beekeeper, MotionTag, Bring Labs, and…

James Mawson

James Mawson is founder and chief executive of Global Venturing.