Craig Cimini will be the remaining managing director at health insurer Cigna's corporate venture capital subsidiary.

Sahil Choudhry, managing director of US-based health insurance provider Cigna’s corporate venturing and strategy unit, has departed to launch a mental health-focused startup.

Cigna Ventures hired Choudhry in November 2019 and his deals since have included a $32m series B round for Octave, the developer of a neurodegenerative disease management platform, and mental health app developer Ginger’s $100m series E round.

Choudhry said: I am excited to share that I will be taking the plunge into entrepreneurship. I will be partnering with (Cigna Ventures colleague) Kwasi Kyei to build a mental health startup.”

Craig Cimini will be the remaining MD for Cigna Ventures having run the unit since 2014.

Photo of Sahil Choudhry courtesy of LinkedIn.

James Mawson

James Mawson is founder and chief executive of Global Venturing.