The firm Young is joining, DTCP, has a fund structure like solely corporate-backed venture capital firms, GV, which has Google as its sole limited partner (LP) and Sapphire Ventures, which has Germany-based technology firm SAP as its sole investor.

Jack Young, who led Qualcomm Ventures’ investment in Fitbit, has joined Deutsche Telekom’s recently formed Deutsche Telekom Capital Partners (DTCP).  Young is pictured speaking centre at our Global Corporate Venturing Symposium in London last year.

Global Corporate Venturing named Young number two on our Rising Stars list published in January.

Young had recently been promoted to head North America at Qualcomm Ventures, stepping up from head of the Qualcomm Life Fund. Lucien Iancovici became the head of the Qualcomm Life Fund, after Young was promoted to his North America role. 

DTCP has a structure like solely corporate-backed venture capital firms, GV, which has Google as its sole limited partner (LP) and Sapphire Ventures, which has Germany-based technology firm SAP as its sole investor.  Young said: “It is a structurally autonomous entity in a partnership formation with Deutsche Telekom as the corporate sponsor and LP. The group has multiple assets under management including private equity (PE) and Venture Capital (VC). The VC group is covering US, Israel and Europe.”

Young added: “I am hitting the ground running with capital and infrastructure, with the phenomenal back support of the brand Deutsche Telekom.”

More to follow shortly on Global Corporate Venturing’s interview with Young.