The Redox investment follows Blue Orange partnering with UK-based Cynar to produce diesel fuel from the recycling of mixed plastic waste as the first announced deal from the fund.
France-based cleaning utility Suez Environnement is joining forces via its Blue Orange innovation investment fund to take a minority stake in Redox Maritime Technologies, a Norwegian company specialising in water disinfection using ozonation, to develop a service for ship ballast water.
In science, Redox is an amalgam of reduction-oxidation reactions, which include all chemical reactions in which atoms have their oxidation state changed.
The investment follows Blue Orange partnering with UK-based Cynar to produce diesel fuel from the recycling of mixed plastic waste as the first announced deal from the fund.
The Cynar partnership is planning to build 10 operational plants in the UK from this year, which will be able to process up to 60,000 tonnes of mixed plastic waste each year and recycle it into diesel fuel.