James Gunnell joined Rob Coppedge from Echo Health Ventures and Liz Arrington from Bell Mason Group to preview the new GCV Institute initiative.

The new GCV Institute is primed to bind the tuition of industry professionals more tightly into education of management at the parent group to solidify the principles of the corporate innovation community, as defined by CVCs for CVCs.

A panel moderated by Mawsonia, publisher of Global Corporate Venturing’s, managing director, James Gunnell, provided a preview at the Digital Forum to outline initiatives to be held over two tracks.

First, Essentials for Enterprise, will provide instruction that segues information on how to drive corporate venturing business development activity and startup management in line with the objectives of the parent firm.

The second track, CVC Essentials, will serve as an introduction to strategic investing and corporate venture capital targeted at corporations planning to start venturing programs, or senior executives tasked with overseeing the corporate venturing group.

Echo Health Ventures’ chief executive Rob Coppedge spoke with Bell Mason Group partner Liz Arrington, who is acting as a partner of GCV Institute, around the rising power of CVCs and the potential now available for CVCs to have agency in syndicates.

Coppedge said: “This is a really exciting time for CVCs generally – how specific programmes are establishing best-practises.

“My hope for GCV Institute is the critical part of solidifying the advantages. How do we get our team – how do they learn our playbook. Multi-estate corporate venture – for our consulting and advisory and diplomacy.

“We are ready to step up to make that shift from all of us figuring it out in our silos, to collectively learning it together to accelerate our programmes.

“My hope is that we can create great networks and shared played books that help each of us accelerate our programmes.”