SFR Développement, the corporate venturing unit of France-based telecoms operator SFR, was involved in 10 transactions worth more than €10m in 2011, and recently exited electronic ticketing service Digitick to Vivendi.

SFR invested in Japan-based gaming company G-cluster, virtual currency company IFeelGoods, mobile agency Backelite, and Prylos, a specialist in mobile applications for home care, during the year.

In 2011 the company also sold Backelite, a mobile agency, Prylos, a specialist in mobile applications for home care and La Boutique Officielle, an online merchandiser. Backelite was sold to Prosodie, a telecommunications transactional flow operator, Prosodie was sold to Doro, a Sweden-based telephony group, and La Boutique Officielle was sold to VC Capital & Dirigeants Partenaires. 

This year the corporate venturing unit exited Digitick in 2012 to Vivendi, the 100% owner of SFR.

SFR Développement also own stakes in digital agency AF83, Assia, an optimiser of ADSL quality,, Eyeka, a collaborative platform, Intersec, a service for mobile operators), Nomotech, a network company, Sofialys, a mobile advertising company, Wiztivi, which works on video on demand and web-connected television screens.