The C round is also co-led by venture firms Wellington Partners and Agate Medical Investments as well as medical device entrepreneurs.

Contact lens solution company Sensimed has raised CHF17m ($18m) in a round co-led by Swisscom-backed venture firm Vinci Capital.

The C round was also co-led by venture firms Wellington Partners and Agate Medical Investments as well as medical device entrepreneurs.

Sensimed’s contact lens solution is used to treat glaucoma, and provides modelling and analysis, allowing ophthalmologists to monitor patients with a potentially progressive glaucomatous.

The funds are designed to help the company in goals such as finalising approval in the US and China and to extend its commercialisation

Sensimed in 2010 raised CHF18.6m  in its series B with backing from the above investors and New Value.

In 2007 Sensimed raised CHF8m in its first round with backing also from venture firm Blue Ocean Ventures.

Sensimed was established in 2003 as a spin-off from the EPFL Technical University in Lausanne.