Separately, CTV said its head, Trond Unneland had moved on to another part of Chevron.

Panzura, a US-based provider of cloud storage services, has raised $25m in its series D round from a consortium including Chevron Technology Ventures (CTV), the corporate venturing unit of the eponymous oil major. 

Venture capital firm Meritech Capital Partners led the D round, which also included VC peers Matrix Partners, Khosla Ventures and Opus Capital.

The company previously raised about $33m. In June last year, CTV helped US-based cloud storage company Panzura raise $15m in its C round and also backed Panzura’s$12m series B round in 2010.

Separately, CTV said its head, Trond Unneland had moved on to another part of Chevron.

By email, Matt McElhattan, a partner at CTV, said: “He was a great leader for our group and will be missed.”