Merck Global Health Innovation Fund to be initial partner for new innovation track.

US-based pharmaceutical company Merck’s Global Health Innovation Fund and New York’s Presbyterian Hospital are to help select future Tigerlabs health entrepreneurs.

Under Tigerlabs new health innovation track, Merck GHI and Prebyterian Hospital will identify those start-ups whose innovations promise to solve specific problems they face. Merck seeks to address the impact of health technology, specifically big data, on healthcare, while Presbyterian Hospital seeks to identify new IT solutions that can help bring about positive changes in the way healthcare is delivered.

Start-ups selected for the innovation track will be offered entrepreneur-in-residence status with the participants, with onsite access to facilities, collaboration and refinement with internal innovation teams, and pilot opportunities to accelerate time-to-market.

Located in the heart of New Jersey’s pharmaceutical corridor, Princeton-based entrepreneurship campus Tigerlabs was founded to usher a new culture of innovation into the healthcare IT sector by leveraging its regional executive and investor relationships.