Jacqueline LeSage Krause leaves Hartford Ventures, which is being shifted into The Hartford's finance and strategy department.
Jacqueline LeSage Krause, vice-president of innovation and corporate venture capital at US-based insurer Hartford Financial Services Group, has left after four years following her group’s shift into the company’s strategy unit.
LeSage Krause had founded Hartford Ventures after six years as a consultant with AT Kearney. Although she declined to comment, her LinkedIn page said she was responsible for both internal innovation (incubating new offerings, customer experiences, and business models) through the Innovation Studio and external innovation (investing venture capital in start-ups and forming strategic alliances) through Hartford Ventures.
Thomas Whiteaker, who had led the minority equity investments team, will remain head at Hartford Ventures as the internal innovation element is being taken on by the business units with the reorganisation.
Michelle Symington, manager of corporate external communications at Hartford Financial Services Group, said by email: "Hartford Ventures, the venture capital unit of The Hartford and last year’s winner of the GCV [Global Corporate Venturing] best practices award for corporate venturing in financial services, is shifting into The Hartford’s finance and strategy department. Tom Whiteaker will continue to lead the team.
"The move positions Hartford Ventures to participate in enterprise strategic opportunities, while continuing to bring innovations to individual business units. In recent years Hartford Ventures has launched a number of successful strategic alliances that have contributed to business growth through product and service differentiation.
"Hartford Ventures is well positioned to continue as an engine of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit for The Hartford. The team will continue to explore investment and alliance opportunities that are closely aligned with the customers and markets served by the company."