Having helped build teams for Citadel for seven years, Jenny Lee has come to Softbank Investment Advisers to manage human resources following the launch of its second Vision Fund.
Jenny Lee, formerly a senior talent partner at financial services firm Citadel, has joined telecommunications and internet group SoftBank’s fund manager, Softbank Investment Advisers, as head of US talent acquisition.
Softbank Investment Advisers manages the group’s technology investment vehicle, Softbank Vision Fund. Vision Fund’s first vehicle was formed in 2016 and Lee’s move comes in the wake of the recent launch of its second fund.
Lee is expected to support Softbank’s recruitment efforts, identifying, acquiring and managing human resources, mainly in the US. She will also liaise between external and internal human resources service providers to carry out recruitment.
Lee was at Citadel for seven years, spending the first five recruiting managers, analysts and associates for its global equities divisions, across several US cities in addition to London, in the UK.
Citadel then shifted Lee to oversee its fundamental strategies and global credit talent in mid-2017, hiring division leaders, project managers, chief operating officers and analysts on its behalf.
Photo of Jenny Lee courtesy of LinkedIn.