Kiwigrid, a Germany-based energy technology company which runs an open communication and control platform for intelligent energy management, has raised an undisclosed amount of funding from investors including Innogy Venture Capital, the corporate venturing arm of renewable energy utility RWE Innogy (part of RWE Group), which invests through the Innogy Renewables Technology Fund I (sponsored by RWE Innogy together with investment company Conetwork Erneuerbare Energien).  The other investors were Aqton, entrepreneur Stefan Quandt’s investment company, and the public-private startup investor High-Tech Gruederfonds.

Dr Frank Starrmann, managing director of Innogy Venture Capital, said: “Kiwigrid addresses a fundamental precondition for a successful energy transition: the systematic integration and management of distributed generation in households and enterprises. In addition to this, new product and service offerings will become easily introducible on the basis of the Kiwigrid platform, including e.g. realization of virtual power plants, smart metering services and charge management of electric vehicles.”

Romy Schnelle, senior investment manager of High-Tech Gruenderfonds, said: “Kiwigrid is a specialized technology supplier that offers a flexible and adaptable platform solution to equipment manufacturers and energy utilities.”