Proximus has promoted Vincent Hebbelynck, who has worked for the telecommunications company since 2000, to oversee its incubation and venture capital activities.
Vincent Hebbelynck has taken over as head of incubation and corporate venturing at Proximus, a Belgium-based telecommunications company.
Proximus was formed in 1994 as a mobile telecom network 75% owned by Belgacom, before Belgacom bought out the other 25% from mobile network Vodafone in 2006. As of September 2014, all Belgacom products are being rebranded as Proximus.
Hebbelynck has worked at Belgacom since 2000 when he joined subsidiary Telindus as corporate manager solution manager. He subsequently moved on to be carrier relationship manager at Belgacom before becoming head of voice development and innovation at subsidiary Belgacom International Carrier Services.
– Photo courtesy of LinkedIn