GE Ventures, the corporate venturing vehicle for industrial product and appliance maker General Electric, has teamed with healthcare provider Northwell Health for a $200m investment initiative.

The capital will support bioelectronic medicine researcher Feinstein Institute’s Center for Bioelectronic Medicine as it seeks to discover and develop treatments for conditions including neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, diabetes and hypertension.

Scientists at GE’s New York State-situated Global Research Center have already been working with Feinstein Institute counterparts on bioelectronics research.

Chad Bouton, director of the Feinstein Institute’s Center for Bioelectronic Medicine, said: “GE’s collaboration with the Feinstein Institute brings critical mass to our efforts in terms of resources, knowhow and partnerships.”

“In just a few years, we will look back on this agreement as the moment when bioelectronic medicine took off. It is an incredibly exciting time to be in this field.”