Iddiction, a startup concentrating on assisting small mobile application (app) developers with ease of distribution, has obtained $3.5m in seed funding from investors including Comcast and IDG, as it prepares to go public.

US-based startup Iddiction secured $3.5m in seed funding on Thursday from a range of investors. These were reported by news provider VentureBeat as including Comcast Ventures, the corporate venturing unit for telecom, cable and internet company Comcast, the International Data Group’s corporate venturing unit, IDG Ventures, venture capital firm Highland Capital Partners, angel investment fund Felicis Ventures and mergers and mergers and acquisitions advisors Bayview Capital.

Founded by Andrej Nabergoj, formerly the chief executive officer of mobile app company Outfit7, Iddiction is aiming to solve the problem of accessible placement for smaller app developers, which often find it difficult to compete with the resources of larger rivals.

Iddiction is currently in stealth mode and no official product has yet been announced but Nabergoj said that an official announcement concerning Iddiction’s product base would be made soon, and the capital raised so far would be invested in further research and development.
