With the aid of venture capital funding from outside, Cambridge Consultants has spun its holographic radar technology off as new company Aveillant.

UK-based technology development and consultancy firm Cambridge Consultants spun-out a new company, to be known as Aveillant, on Tuesday. Aveillant will develop and market Cambridge’s holographic radar technology to wind farms looking to stop their turbines from disrupting air traffic control radar.

In addition to Cambridge, which will remain a shareholder in the company, Aveillant has raised startup funding from venture capital fund DFJ Esprit and AIFCL, the UK wind industry’s funding body. Cambridge has not disclosed the precise amount invested by the funds but has stated it is in the "multi-million pound" range.

Ray Edgson, ventures director at Cambridge Consultants, said: "The unique radar offering is a result of our extensive work with aviation and wind energy stakeholders to create a technical solution which fully meets their requirements. At Cambridge Consultants we have a long history of spinning out successful companies, and we are confident we will see Aveillant go on to do the same."