Part II of the Bell Mason Group's analysis for how to manage a corporate venturing group
In her 2002 book The Venture Imperative, Bell Mason Group (BMG) co-founder Heidi Mason foresaw that corporate venturing would become a necessary part of any corporate strategy, both for long-term growth, and for competitive
advantage. Today corporate venturing in all its forms is a foundational element of virtually every corporate innovation strategy.
Corporations are uniquely structured to leverage the benefits of venturing thanks to their ability to accelerate markets with powerful brands and global reach as well as their experience in setting standards and establishing market platforms. And, as BMG partner Patty Burke described in last month’s issue of Global Corporate Venturing, many are now striving to institutionalise the management of corporate venturing and innovation (CV&I) programmes, and integrate internal and external innovation approaches. Sustainability mandates performance
Still, the single largest barrier to CV&I unit success remains the ability to demonstrate strategic impact that leads to long-term financial growth and competitive advantage. Click here for the article and its graphics.