Ackermans & van Haaren and existing investor Globachem contributed to the $38.9m series C round, which will support the launch of Agrosavfe's first biofungicide product in the US.

Belgium-based biopesticide developer AgroSavfe secured €35m ($38.9m) on Tuesday in a series C round that included $11.1m from diversified conglomerate Ackermans & van Haaren.

Agrochemical producer Globachem and life sciences research institute VIB also took part in the round, as did Gimv, PMV, Madeli Participaties, Qbic Fund, Biovest, Agri Investment Fund, Sofinnova Partners and K&E.

AgroSavfe, which was spun out of VIB in 2013, uses its Agrobody platform to produce protein-based biofungicides that are designed to provide sustainable protection for…